so will this be a permanent installation? who will be maintaining it? how big is the art component? what size are the spaces approximately?
Two things/ ideas/ concepts for the base- premise come to mind.. (as now being in a city that is flooded with vertical systems.. very few look good over time....)
my suggestion since it is inside would be a hydroponic system or woolly pocket, or epiphyte/ tillandsia attached to some artsy piece as they actually grow this way and only need misting so you avoid a watering system .
hydroponics: for this space.. both below could provide light and a water resivour
I have two ideas for this.... a friend in Boulder who would be great to collaborate with on the working components for the hydroponic system.. he used to work for aero grow and has a very effective and trust worthy system down.... I will connect you through email ( depending on size i would imagine components being between $1200- $4000... i am also working with the inka guys linked below on an upcoming project and they have a great system( they will custom build anything) as well their prebuilt self contained can run from $4000- $9000( with win generator and solar panel) ... they also in march with have 3 20" foot tall rotating hydroponic towers they will be wanting to sell/ display after the flower and garden show in march which we could get access to... i will research cost, get pictures on those and we could plant ourselves...( the interior piece is tricky and they have lighting, water etc worked out as it is a whole other ball game)
Woolly pockets: i know this isn't rocket science but they work, they look beautiful and there are many creative ways to arrange these on interesting backgrounds.. these are all about the plants you put in them.. but long term these seem to perform the best. plants are growing how the want to...they are $25-$50 per pocket depending on size.. with plants and soil I would say $75- $150 per piece as you would want nice plants.. great with bromeliads,philodendrons etc..
you could use a drip system to water if the installation was high... would need a resivour with a pump
air plants, epihphytes etc...: this concept which flora and many others are so hot about .. does make alot of sense as these plans perform many of the desired air purifying traits and naturally grow with no soil and minimal water and are used to growing vertically.
each tilllandsia/ bromeliad runs between $3.00-$15.00 a piece wholesale... $6.00-$30.00 retail... you could construct the back panel out of what ever you like( recycled wood, metal) hang them from wire, drape them etc...
i also have one of my light boxes from Live light we could use too? 2 of them are in SF in AIA show... but i have one in denver and one more in steamboat.. 0range and a pink one..i can fill with plants.. see pics below
this has the most flexibilty and is still alive
i think there is a lot of ways to be creative here and also create something beautiful and educational!
below are some images to get ideas and juices flowing!
talk soon

I might have some vertical garden hints that could help you out.