Friday, October 30, 2009


Dusty Gedge: LB
Jeffery Bruce: AC
Angela Loder: MF
UNLV guy: JB
Mark falcon:MF
Mikey Zepplin: KD
Susan Barnes:MF
Rollie Heath:JB
OLIN design: LT
Nigel Dunnett: JB
Mark Simmons: JB
Engineer Hussien Nasser Lootah:AC
Sada's Wife:KD
Michael Berkshire: MF
Turunobo Fujimono:AC
Bill Reed:LB
John Greenlee: CC
Jared Polis:AC
Salt lake city roof:AC
Paul kephart: MF
Frank Almeda:LB
Boor Bridges, architects: LB
cameron sinclair: LB
Please call your contacts and report back
date of symposium is june 17th 2010


Hi all!
please post ideas here... so we can track our progress
Thank You!